Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.
Dear ladies and parents / guardians of students
Esteemed the invitation that has been present suit our invitation Dear ladies and teachers
There are many things that perhaps we need to know together so that later in the learning process to create good conditions for our learning process. One that i wanted to mention is that it is definitely in every school will be in place including schooldiscipline at this school Of the many benefits of 10 disciplines, among which this is identified by us as parents!
1. Foster sensitivity
2. Foster care.
3. Teach regularity.
4. Cultivate peace.
5. Cultivate an attitude of confidence
6. Foster self-reliance.
7. Foster intimacy.
8. Help brain development.
9. Help the child “difficult”, ie a hyperactive child, late development, or tempertantrums.
10. Foster compliance,
Here are ten benefits of discipline will be felt by our children that it all boils down tothe good of our children.
So first of what I have to say. We are sorry if there are words that offend or do notdeserve to be delivered, Once again apologize profusely.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
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