





MTs Matholiul Huda Troso Jalani Visitasi Akreditasi Secara Luring - Madrasah Tsanawiyah Matholiul Huda Troso menjalani Visitasi Akreditasi Madrasah oleh Tim Asesor dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah - Madrasah (BAN-SM). Senin (6/9/2021).

Visitasi tersebut berlangsung luring dengan menerapkan Protokol Kesehatan yang ketat.

Mengawali kegiatan, Dra. Wafiroh selaku Kepala Madrasah menyampaikan siap mendapatkan penlaian dari tim asesor.

Sementara itu, Tim Asesor BAN - SM mengatakan Kami adalah perpanjangan tangan dari BAN - SM Provinsi Jawa Tengah, adapun durasi waktu dalam pemeriksaan selama 5 jam, dan akan berlangsung selama 2 hari.

"Sekolah kita ini adalah reakreditasi artinya sebelumnya sudah di akreditasi. Akreditasi sekarang berbasis kinerja sekolah, jadi sekarang bukan lagi kinerja Kamad saja tapi semuanya," Ungkap Hj. Ernis Ismiyati, S.Ag. MH.

Lebih lanjut ia menambahkan bahwa Visitasi Akreditasi ini mencakup 4 Standar penilaian yakni, mutu guru, mutu kelulusan proses pembelajaran dan management Kepala Madrasah.

"Kami hadir tidak ingin untuk mencari kesalahan namun ingin mengkroscek data yang telah dipersiapkan,"tambahnya

Kamad berharap kegiatan Visitasi Akreditasireditasi MTs Mathpoliul Huda Troso berjalan dengan baik dan berharap mendapatkan nilai yang tinggi.

The Ant and the Grasshopper


The Ant and the Grasshopper

In a field one summer’s day a Grasabopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearieg along with great effort an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.

 *Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grassh.pper, “instead of toiling and moiling away?” “I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.” “Why bothe: about winter?” said the Grasshopper, “we have got plenty of food at present.”

But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while it raw the ants distributing. Every day, corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew...

Oleh : Michael Fedrick Khaer Kelas 8D



The goose wuth the golden eggs

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough. 
They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay goiden eggs, its insides must be made of gold. And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get mighty rich very soon. So the inan and his wife decided to kill the bird.
However, upon cutting the goose open, they were shocked to find that its innards were like that of any other goose!

Oleh : Syauqiya Kelas 7E
